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Supreme Court Blocks What Appears Trump's Attempt to Try to Overturn America's Democracy as Republicans Stand by

Jan 23, 2021 at 06:41 pm by mikewood

Supreme Court blocks Trump's attempt to destroy our democratic electoral system by circumventing it, as Republicans - sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution stand idly by mcconnell loefler perdue georgia senate

Trump Bid to Destroy U.S. Democracy Blocked by Supreme Court

But his Deceit of Ignorant Trumpsters & Republicans Continues

December 11, 2020 / NYC Neighborhoods / Things To Do NYC / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.

trump corruption trump authoritarianism trump tries to steal the election republican corruption republican cowardice election 2020This just in. The Supreme Court again denied Trump his bid to overturn our democracy and transform it into a racist, Nazi-like dictatorship where he has all the power and 'We The People' have none. The way things used to be ... again.

The Seemingly Corrupt Texas Attorney General Who Filed the Trump Brief is Rumored to be Angling for a Presidential Pardon

The Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, who has been under indictment since 2015 for securities fraud, and who in October 2020 was accused of corruption, including - bribery, abuse of office and other crimes - by a number of his subordinates took the lead in the lawsuit.

Paxton is believed to have done this last ditch bid for Trump in exchange for a presidential pardon. But, while I'm not a lawyer, I believe some of Paxton's alleged crimes cannot be pardoned by Trump. This is yet another example of how rotten and corrupt the Republican party has become. Criminals and con men aiding and abetting each other, while lying and deceiving millions of incredibly ignorant Americans, who are the New Republican Red Rubes.


Mitch McConnell Remains Silent as Trump Nominates his Wife for Another Plum Government Paid Position, After Failure vis a vis the Chinese Navy While Transportation Secretary

mitch mcconnell's wife nominated to kennedy center board elaine chao mitch mcconnell's wife republican corruptionSenate Republican Mouse Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also aided and abetted Trump in what seems a fundraising scam [see November 2020 story]. It seems McConnell will be rewarded by Trump's appointment of McConnell's wife, Taiwanese born Elaine Chao - who was the Transportation Secretary as the U.S. fell behind China in the number of naval battleships [in 2019].

McConnell's wife's father is a rich businessman who is well connected to the top members of the Chinese Communist party. And what a surprise, he runs a large shipping company, whose ships the Chinese help fund and build [see our October 2020 report on what appears McConnell corruption].

Australian born billionaire Rupert Murdoch has been using Fox News, the NY Post and the Wall Street Journal to attack a U.S. Congressman for something to do with the Chinese, while failing to identify Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife for what seems their very cozy ties to the top echelons of the Chinese Communist Party.

Why does Murdoch leave McConnell out of the story? Because like Trump, McConnell appears to be a Murdoch propaganda machine asset, and he's working with Trump to set up roadblocks to Biden overseeing the FCC which makes all the difference to a lot of Murdoch's net worth. Prior to Chao's appointment to Transportation Secretary, Murdoch had appointed Chao to the 20th Century Fox [News] Board. See November 30, 2020 story for details.

Trump Bid to Destroy U.S. Democracy Blocked by Supreme Court

But his Deceit of Ignorant Trumpsters & Republicans Continues

December 11, 2020 / NYC Neighborhoods / Things To Do NYC / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC. Continued.

Trump Allies / Georgia Republican Senate Candidates Perdue & Loeffler May Have Profited via Insider Trading on CoVid Intel

did georgia senators perdue loeffler make illegal stock trades republican corruptionOne of what seems like innumerable of their corrupt associates, Georgia Senator David Perdue, is seeking reelection in the Georgia on January 5th, 2021. According to an NYT report on December 2, 2020,

"... The Georgia Republican’s stock trades have far outpaced those of his Senate colleagues and have included a range of companies within his Senate committees’ oversight, an analysis shows..."

Both Perdue and Loeffler were investigated by a bipartisan Senate Ethics Committee according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. The newspaper also noted that of the 1189 complaints filed between 2007 and 2019 - NOT ONE OF THEM resulted in disciplinary action. Does that mean that all of those senators are just great stock timers, or were they good at hiding their insider trading, or that they're all corrupt so it makes no sense to let the American people in on the secret?

The Hollowed out, Corrupted Republican Party has Lost its Way - Do They Stand for Nothing Real Anymore?

Use the above link [copy & paste in the browser bar] to watch a brief YouTube video, and then ask yourself - What Happened to the Republican Party? About a minute into the video Ossoff attacks what appears Perdue's insider stock trading during the pandemic.

Allowing this kind of crap to continue is how the American dream for the general populace falls.

I hope you're enjoying your holidays : ) ... like me.