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Is Donald Trump Using the Federal Government to Scam his Supporters for Money to Pay his Debts?

Nov 29, 2020 at 06:41 pm by mikewood

donald trump uses the federal government to scam his supporters for donations to pay his debts by alleging voter fraud bill barr mike pompeo kaylie mcenany contribute to the trump fraud of his supporters?

Is Trump Using the Federal Government to Enable a Scam?

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Attorney General William Barr, Press Secretary Kayleigh MacEnany & Republican Senate Majority Leader McConnell Appear to Enable a Trump Fundraising Scam - using False Claims of Election Fraud - to Motivate Donations he can use to Pay off his Debts

Emoluments Clause: Using False Claims of Voter Fraud & Government Offices to Raise Money to Pay off Trump Debts?

trump scams supporters in fundraising scam about voter fraud trump fundraising scam voter fraud crooked donald lock him upNovember 10, 2020 / NYC Neighborhoods / U.S. Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.

I'm relieved that the Donald lost the election. I'm not relieved, knowing that there are 71 million people who voted for him. They obviously don't know what a super slick con man looks, talks and walks like.


A Presidential Con Man to the End

The Art of the Con should have been the name of Trump's book. And it appears, with only two months left to his presidency, that he's using the Executive branch of government and all the president's lackeys to commit one last Trump scam.


Secretary of State Pompeo Uses Office to Support What Seems a Trump's Scam of Republican Donors

In the photo at right, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, appears to enable what seems like a scam by Donald Trump to bilk his supporters of millions of dollars in donations by seemingly supporting Trump's claims that there was election fraud - a claim which appears unfounded according to both Democratic and Republican state government officials.

trump scams supporters in fundraising scam about voter fraud trump fundraising scam voter fraud crooked donald lock him up

According to CNBC, on November 10, 2020 Pompeo said that there would be

"... a smooth transition to a second Trump Administration ... "

That statement, by a cabinet level member of the Executive branch of the U.S. government, appears more like a propagandistic statement of an authoritarian's sycophant. This corruption of the Office of the Secretary of State was done previously, during the RNC Convention, when Pompeo was videocast from Israel while on taxpayer funded official business.


Are Taxpayers Paying a Trump Campaign Propagandist to Facilitate a Fundraising Scam on Ignorant Trump Republicans?

trump scams supporters in fundraising scam about voter fraud trump fundraising scam voter fraud crooked donald lock him upSo Kayleigh Mc Inaney [it's not her real name, but a play on it], who is supposed to be the White House Spokesperson - not a Trump campaign PR person - said on November 3, 2020 that a "Landslide is afoot". Yesterday, November 9, 2020, even the Fox propaganda channel couldn't bear to allow McEnany to continue spewing it's Nazi-like propaganda of voter fraud, so they cut away from her.

Is McEnany, a federal government employee, enabling the Donald's efforts to raise [scam?] millions from his supporters under seemingly false pretenses to pay off some of his debts?

Why are the American people paying the salary of a Trump campaign propagandist? This is one of many such personalizations of power - aka corrupt use of government resources for private purposes - done by the corrupt 'Drain the Swamp' Trump Administration. McEnany is allegedly 'cleaning up' her Twitter feed instead, which is also a record of the corrupt Trump Administration lies put forth by the inane McEnany.

Is Trump Using the Federal Government to Enable a Scam?

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Attorney General William Barr, Press Secretary Kayleigh MacEnany & Republican Senate Majority Leader McConnell Appear to Enable a Trump Fundraising Scam - using False Claims of Election Fraud - to Motivate Donations he can use to Pay off his Debts

Emoluments Clause: Using False Claims of Voter Fraud & Government Offices to Raise Money to Pay off Trump Debts?

November 10, 2020 / NYC Neighborhoods / U.S. Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC. Continued.


Bill Barr - Is America's Top Law Enforcement Official, using his Office to Aid & Abet a Scam, by Helping Legitimize the False Pretenses of Election Fraud, so Trump Donors will Contribute to a Fiscally Reckless Billionaire, so he can Pay Off his Debts?

trump scams supporters in fundraising scam about voter fraud trump fundraising scam voter fraud crooked donald lock him upOn Monday, Attorney General William Barr broke with a 40 year policy of non-interference by the Department of Justice in election squabbles until certification of the results. On November 10, 2020 Barr ordered prosecutoirs to look for 'wrongdoing' in what seems an authoritarian / Nazi-resembling action. The CNN report tells us,

"... Richard Pilger, director of the elections crimes branch in the Justice Department's Public Integrity Section, told colleagues in an email that the attorney general was issuing "an important new policy abrogating the forty-year-old Non-Interference Policy for ballot fraud investigations in the period prior to elections becoming certified and uncontested." Pilger also forwarded the memo to colleagues in his resignation letter..."

It seems there is no end to the depths of the Donald's depravity, and by association and enablement, Bill Barr's. Barr's actions lend credence to Trump's false claims of election fraud, and thus enable the Donald's efforts to raise money to clean up his balance sheet.

Perhaps the Department of Justice should investigate what appears to be Trump's and Barr's efforts to scam Trump's supporters into donating on the pretense of fighting election fraud, when in fact their donations are going to be used to clean up the Donald's debts.


Con Alled Trump - A Presidential Sized Scammer to the End?

The Donald, appears to be America's worst president but also one of America's greatest con men. Hence it seems, in recognition of his loss, he is now feverishly working to clean up his balance sheet while he still has access to the trappings of the Oval Office and the bully pulpit and what appears a phony patch of patriotic lies.

As with Trump Casino, where investors lost millions, and with Trump Airline, Trump University, Trump Charity, and Trump condominiums, the Donald doesn't give a crap who he seems to scam. This time it seems a scam of his ridiculous faith filled supporters - who god knows where they live, or what media they trust [Fox / Breitbart / NY Post?], that they don't by now know who he really is.

A November 10, 2020 report in The Guardian, a newspaper based in Britain, identified the apparent scam. They report that they found this on two websites related to Trump and the RNC,

"Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to the Official Election Defense Fund and to increase your impact by 1,000%!" [The Guardian notes that "It is unclear who matches the donations." and then they go on.]

"On Trump’s personal fund, it [the website] dictates that of all donations raised ... 50% of each contribution ... [will] be designated toward DJTFP’s 2020 general election account for general election debt retirement ..." and ... On his joint fund with the RNC, the donations work as follows: “60% of each contribution first to Save America, up to $5,000/$5,000, then to DJTP’s recount account, up to a maximum of $2,800/$5,000. [And] 40% of each contribution to the RNC’s operating account, up to a maximum of $35,500/$15,000.”


How Gullible are Trump Supporters?

trump scams supporters in fundraising scam about voter fraud trump fundraising scam voter fraud crooked donald lock him upSo it seems the Donald is using his apparently phony cries of election fraud to raise money from an ignorant, manipulated Republican base, in order to save himself from being crushed by all the debt he's racked up. And he's using his Administration's spineless sycophants, including Senate Republican Mouse Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, to lend legitimacy to his claims.

When are the Republican working class folks going to wake up to the incredible manipulations of these very wealthy rich people who seem to attack their opponents as 'the elites'? When will Republican working class folks realize they are being manipulated to donate and vote against their own self interest, in favor of the interests of the above named billionaire and millionaire? This is why the rich get richer and the rest of us get screwed.

The First Supreme Court Justice, John Jay warned us when he said,

" ... I consider knowledge to be the soul of a republic, and as the weak and wicked are generally in alliance, as much care should be taken to diminish the number of the former as of that latter ..."


Trump Seems a Modern Day W.C. Fields: MAGA Means Rube

Trump supporters bristle at being accused of being ignorant of the facts about Trump. Yet when I engage them in conversations, they try to shut down the conversations when I start bringing up facts about all of Trump's cons. Others say that they don't care what the facts are, they support him anyway. And those working class people who donate money to a very rich man - who has reportedly conned people like themselves including contractors, employees, investors, lenders, contributors and enrollees - to help him pay off his billionaire debts, under the illusion that they are patriots 'fighting to defend our nation's free and fair elections' ...

... well, that's where I draw the line. These people more than just ignorant.

The Book of Proverbs in the King James Bible says, "... a fool and his money are soon parted ..." and W.C. Fields used to say, "Never give a sucker an even break." As far as I know, nobody has ever accurately accused Donald Trump of ever giving even one of the hundreds and thousand of suckers for his lies, deceits and scams [like this one?] - an even break. My mother used to tell me, "... you don't have to worry about the rich ... they know how to take care of themselves ... that's why their rich ...".

So the Donald's cries of election fraud, appear to be yet another of his scams, designed to take money from his incredibly naive [and possibly even well intentioned] supporters, using the phony guise of patriotism - in order to further enrich himself - in what seems a super sized fraud, using the office of the U.S. presidency, including many of the spineless, wormy sycophants who report to him, including Mitch McConnell.


McConnell - A Man Who ALWAYS Does What's Right ... for Mitch McConnell

trump scams supporters in fundraising scam about voter fraud trump fundraising scam voter fraud crooked donald lock him upSenate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a highly predictable player. McConnell talks the talk of doing what's right for the American people - while McConnell always walks the walk of doing what's right for Mitch McConnell with what seems little to no regard for the American people.

So today was no surprise when McConnell seemed to support Trump's false election fraud claims, because McConnell doesn't seem to give a crap about anything or anyone but himself - just like the Donald.

None of the above named seem to care about us. None of them seem to care about the civility of American governmental traditions. None of them seem to care about - or even seem to believe in - our democracy. Which is why we must stay vigilant and informed and involved in the government by, for and of the People - because if the people aren't involved - our democracy will cease to be.

And remember, being involved doesn't just involve registering and voting - people also have to pay attention to the actions and deeds of the people they are voting for, as well as to those they entrust to tell them the truth about who is who and what's going on.