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The War in Afghanistan is Over - but the Fox War on the Truth that put us there - Continues

Sep 08, 2021 at 07:50 pm by mikewood

The War in Afghanistan is Over - but the War on the Truth that put us there - Continues

TV News People Provided Superficial, Dimwitted, Gossipy Accounts of the Withdrawal, & Unfortunately, Far too many of the Print Reports Weren't Much Better

September 7, 2021 / Fox News Fakes the News / U.S. Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoSomehow amidst the din of Murdoch mass media hyped criticism, the real headline was buried.

"The War is Over. The Twenty Year War in Afghanistan is Over. "


This was one of two Murdoch Wars - So his Outlets Seemed to Disminish or Ignore the Human & Taxpayer Costs - Over 170,000 Human Lives & Over $2 Trillion and Counting - and so did the Knuckleheads at the Other News Outlets

Where are the parades? Where are the celebrations? Where are the Congressional and Senate committees and hearings to investigate how we got into the Afghanistan war in the first place? And then why we stayed so long? Who incited this war and then profited from the $2 trillion in spending that the U.S. taxpayer took out loans to pay?

About 2,461 American soldiers died in the Afghanistan War. According to an August 17, 2021 report by the Associated Press, another 3846 American contractors lost their lives, as well as 72 journalists. The Afghanis suffered significant fatalities as well, as 66,000 Afghani military and police died, 47,000 Afghani civilians and 51,000 Taliban fighters.


TV News Provided Scant Real Insight, Information or Understanding Surrounding America's Withdrawal from Afghanistand to the Viewer

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoIn the reporting over the past month or so I DID NOT SEE EVEN ONE REFERENCE TO THE RUSSIAN WITHDRAWAL from Afghanistan in the 1980's. NOT ONE! Why does that matter?

Because if you're going to evaluate how effective the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was, you MUST look at prior history, and the Russian withdrawal is the closest, realistic assessment of what the costs of withdrawal from Afghanistan could, would or should be. I watched with something bordering between disgust and horror, as the gutted out nationally branded TV 'news' organizations 'informed' the American people as to what was happening as the American withdrawal from Afghanistan took place before our eyes in real time.


I. The Pied Piper Framed a Dishonest & Negative Narrative about President Biden's Handling of the Withdrawal via his WSJ, then Echoed it with the Nearly Half of the Nationally Branded U.S. Daily Media he Controls, which the Lazy and / or Incompetent Competition then Parrotted

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoAustralian born billionaire, Rupert Murdoch - as is too often the case - led the rest of the mindless mass media, like the Pied Piper. On August 15, 2021, the Wall St. Journal published an OpEd by the 'Editorial Board'. The 'Editorial Board' appears to be the pen name of billionaire Rupert Murdoch who owns and controls the paper. The 'Editorial Board' said published the narrative that Biden was incompetent and had messed things up, with scant reference to history or a holistic presentation of the facts.

Ever since that narrative was published, it has been used by many of the rest of the mass media, to contextualize or frame presentations made by the corporate press in discussing the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. Not everyone in the mass media was so incompetent or so lazy that they used the mendacious Murdoch's narrative - thankfully. But eyeballing things, I'd estimate that more than half of them did. I suppose the good news is that there are still a few real, independent-minded journalists operating in our midst.

Murdoch used his Wall St. Journal brand to lead the narrative, because it has a history as a respected publication. Even though respect for the brand seems to have been diminishing ever since Murdoch's took control of the paper in August of 2007. After the announcement many of the real journalists who could leave, did. Barron's was included in the acquisition and remains a Murdoch brand today.


II. The Power of the Propaganda Press - Murdoch's Name is Hidden or Absent from Public View even as his Opinions & Perspectives are Disseminated Around the Nation via numerous Murdoch Controlled Propagandists and Media Brands

Murdoch followed the first Wall St. Journal attack on Biden's handling of the withdrawal by relentlessly repeating the narrative in his NY Post, on Fox News and in the Wall St. Journal - even to this day. As Adolph Hitler and Joseph Goebbels observed, even lie will become suggestively lodged in the minds of the American electorate, so that it may be recalled back into play to manipulate the minds of the unaware, uninformed and unsuspecting, in the years that follow. This sort of mass media manipulation is classic Nazi propaganda. And Keith Rupert Murdoch is, by a parsec, the world's most accomplished practitioner of this dark art.

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoMurdoch even used his papers in Britain, The Sun and The (London) Times to repeat his narratives, so that it seems the echoes aren't just coming from Murdoch mass media outlets in this nation, but from news outlets in other parts of the world. Murdoch's use of his media outlets around the nation and around the world is used to convince the unsuspecting that the Murdoch point of view - regardless of the facts - must be true. If so many different media outlets and so many different writers and pundits are saying it, then must it not be true? Ordinarily that sort of logic might hold, until people realize that those perspectives, narratives and opinions are all coming from outlets and personnel essentially 'owned' by Murdoch. I know people who get their information from Murdoch outlets, here and abroad, who have NO IDEA who owns them, let alone that they are all controlled by the same sad, self-serving Australian born billionaire.

Murdoch appears well on his way to infecting ABC News, of which he became one of its largest shareholders in March of 2019. It appears he's influencing personnel decisions, by slotting in 'his kind of people' into the writing and vidifont positions [vidifont are the headlines at the bottom of the screen or next to the anchors' heads]. Through these new recruits, it seems ABC News is being changed insidiously along with the content and the nature of what is being presented. Some of the ABC News teleprompter readers / actors don't seem to have a clue as to what's going on in their own company - let alone the rest of the world.


II.a. Failure to Respond - Corporate Mass Media & Opposition Pols Ignore the 900 lb. Gorilla in the Room - to Their Own and the Nation's Peril

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoThe non-Murdoch corporate news organizations are either terribly ignorant or stupid and appear to be operating in fear, not unlike what happened in Germany in the 1930's. Either way, it should concern all Americans. Nobody in this country, pols and pundits and journalists alike, should be talking about culture wars, or national and international events such as the Afghan War withdrawal, without referencing the enormous influence wielded by the Australian born billionaire through his dominant share of mass media.

Ignoring how this Australian born billionaire is transforming this nation, through his propagandistic reporting, seen on his outsize share of mass media, is exactly what the timid corporate mass media and opposition pols did in Australia and Britain. Today, the Prime Ministers of those two nations seem to report to Murdoch, as if they were his his department heads. It seems Murdoch has fired three Australian Prime Ministers, and two British Prime Ministers within the past five years, because they didn't do things Murdoch mandated like providing forgiveness on his taxes and supporting Brexit so he would continue to hold sway at 10 Downing Street were the two primary issues, respectively.

The result is that in Australia, Murdoch now has a monopoly share of broadcast and print media, even though he's no longer a citizen of that nation. And in 'Great' Britain [the 'great' now sounds like ridicule], where Murdoch controls the largest share of branded broadcast and print media, Murdoch is now approaching a monopoly, having acquired the dominant share of print and broadcast media outlets in that nation - even though he's not even a citizen there. In this nation Murdoch and his cronies [two of the largest institutional shareholders, Vanguard & Blackrock, own both Fox and now Disney / ABC] appear to control about 25% of Disney / ABC which is the parent to ABC News, and as such, I believe they are, defacto, in control of Disney / ABC News ... and Murdoch's propagandistic influence appears to be showing up in their broadcasts.

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get into

Bernie Sanders has called out Fox 'News' & Propaganda, but Sanbers is a rarity. Murdoch relentlessly attacks both his mass media competitors and members of the party his doesn't control, which in this country is the Democrats. So what I don't understand is why the Democrats don't call Murdoch out and fight back? Murdoch's mass media competitors need to inform the public as to how dishonest and unreliable Murdoch mass media outlets are, so that people at least become aware - not just of the terrible reporting - but of the man who is behind it and how he profits from it. And the opposition pols, which include both moderate Republicans and most Democrats with some measure of integrity, need to pull Murdoch's outlets, pundits and Murdoch himself, onto the public stage, so that the public can see them for what they are - not what they are pretending to be.

In the graphic at right, notice how the Wall St. Journal used the loaded word 'surrender'. America did not surrender. It evacuated the occupation of another nation, that really didn't want us there.


III. Murdoch's Media Incites the Mob on Numerous Occasions Conjuring up Anger and Hate

What stupid things have Fox viewers done in just the last year? They were persuaded to vote for Donald Trump, they were persuaded that the election was stolen, that the voting machines were rigged, that it was their patriotic duty to stage an insurrection to forcibly overthrow our democratic processes, they were persuaded to disrupt various state elections processes, they were persuaded to refuse to get vaccinated, refuse to wear masks or to recognize the significant health hazard represented by CoVid. And that's all just within the past ten months.


IV. Re-Framing Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal using Historical & Contextual Background

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoSo, as I mentioned above, one can't even begin to do a proper analysis of Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan, without first examining what happened the last time a superpower occupied and then withdrew from Afghanistan. That was in February 1989 when the Russians, after occupying Afghanistan for nearly ten years, decided it was time to cut their losses and leave.


Mikhail Gorbachev was the Russian President and the Russians decided to do a withdrawal that would be front loaded, meaning they would draw down a lot of the troops early in. the evacuation process, before making a final exit. A number of pundits said that that's what Biden should have done. But Biden, who is a savvy foreign policy expert, likely knew the dangers of such a strategy, and probably the history of what happened to Russia as they exited.


What Made the TV News Coverage of Biden's Withdrawal from Afghanistan so Lousy


1. TV News Omissions - Withdrawal is Complicated - Case History of Russians Evacuating from Afghanistan 1988 - 1989

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoSo what happened to Russia using the front loaded withdrawal strategy? They had to send more troops back in to secure the positions they needed in order to withdraw and they launched an offensive - even as they were withdrawing - in an attempt to knock out a major threat to the Russian supported government. In a report entitled Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Wikipedia tells us,

"... As agreed, the withdrawal was "front-loaded", with half of the Soviet force leaving by August. The withdrawal was complicated, however, by the rapid deterioration of the situation in Afghanistan. ... Gorbachev adopted the Shevarnadze-KGB line of policy regarding supporting Najibullah [head of the Soviet sponsored Afghani government which was in peril] at the cost of antagonizing rebel factions ... a halt of the withdrawal was ordered on November 5, 1988. In December, Gorbachev decided to resume the withdrawal, but also to carry out an operation against Massoud, ignoring arguments from his advisors and military commanders on the ground. In January 1989, the Soviet withdrawal continued, and on January 23 Operation Typhoon (1989) began against the forces of Ahmad Shah Massoud..."

This excerpt is from Hamid Hadi's book, Afghanistan's Experiences: The History of the Most Horrifying Events, on Google books. The book sheds light on some of the complexities involved in withdrawing from a nation occupied by a superpower, where the war has not been won.

"... Soviet diplomats and others working to open channels to the mujahadeen
between March 1988 and February 1989 were operating with two goals in mind. They
needed to ensure the safety of Soviet troops during the withdrawal. For this reason they were willing to accept cease-fires that did not necessarily extend to the Afghan army. At the same time they were also trying to continue the long-term work of forming a stable government in Afghanistan... "


Russian Withdrawal from Afghanistan 1988 - 1989 Cost About 812 Russian Soldiers' Lives

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoSo the Russians ended up fighting a mini-war while they were withdrawing. Let's see what the cost was in terms of Soviet military lives. The Soviets began their withdrawal in May of 1988 and were out by mid February 1989. About the only place I could find any yearly statistics on the Russian fatalities due to the Afghanistan conflict, was on It looked well researched and sourced, but it's an unknown source, but its figures did generally align with less granular statistics from well known reliable sources like the New York Times and Wikipedia.

They show us that the Soviet military lost 759 soldiers in 1988 and another 53 in 1989. Likely those 53 fatalities in the one and a half months of 1989 were related to Operation Typhoon, the counter-offensive launched by the Soviets to secure their withdrawal while propping up the Soviet sponsored government that was destined to fail in the coming years.


Biden Will be Judged Favorably by History for Getting us out of Afghanistan as Quickly and with as Few Casualties as We Did

Joe Biden didn't have to honor Trump's deal with the Taliban, just as Trump didn't honor Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoBut Biden went through with the deal, because he knew it was time for American GI's to come home from occupying a land where enough of the Afghanis weren't willing to fight for their own rights and freedoms, while the Afghani Taliban were willing to fight for the opportunity to rule their nation.

We lost 13 GI's in the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan versus nearly 812 Russian soldiers lost in 1988-1989. Compare this fatality count to Governor Ron DeSantis CoVid fatality count of 345 deaths just last week. DeSantis is a Murdoch favorite for 2024, likely because DeSantis appears to be a politician who will give Murdoch what he wants, which seems the most important ingredient to getting the open mic, come as often as you like, invitations from Fox News. In late July, shortly after Disney / ABC cut a deal with Florida for a $580 million tax break (compliments of Florida taxpayers by way of DeSantis), the manipulative Murdoch mass mendacity machine began promoting DeSantis for president.

How has Murdoch become a billionaire? It seems in part, by fleecing taxpayers like us, around the globe.


Who are you Going to Trust - An American President with Decades of Foreign Policy Experience and a Law Degree, or a Two-Time College Drop Out & Professional Snake Oil Salesman on Fox TV?

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoSo President Joe Biden, with decades of foreign policy experience, made a rather abrupt exit, first evacuating from the Bagram Airport, and then Kabul, without telling our Afghan allies. This decision was likely to avoid an intel leak and permit sabotage. Many of the Fox News pundits and their guests who got us into the war, took issue with this, just as they criticized Biden for not getting more Afghanis out.

Of the four presidents who presided over the Afghanistan conflict, only ONE knows what it is like to have your own kin, someone very dear to you, in the line of fire. And that president is Joe Biden. Rupert Murdoch and the Fox News propagandists who incited America to enter this war, have no such ties.

Fox News Sean Hannity, who famously urged America to go to war in Iraq, then turned around and seemed to use a charity he and Ollie North set up to 'scam' donors. According to a January 8, 2015 report in The Week, Hannity and North's Freedom Concerts, which were organized by Hannity and North's Freedom Alliance charity, seemed to pay for what seemed Hannity self-promotional events, by allegedly paying for Hannity's private jets, fleet of SUV's to take him and his party into / out of town, and sponsor lavish hotels and dinner parties.

"... Schlussel's done her homework: Freedom Alliance may be "technically telling the truth" about not paying for Hannity's private jets, says Rick Ungar in True/Slant, but Freedom Concerts -- a profit-making venture owned by Hannity and North's agent, Duane Ward -- almost certainly does. And Schlussel's right that only $4 from each $65+ ticket goes toward the charity... Well, "nothing like a little good old-fashioned American patriotism for fun and profit, yes?" "Following the money in Hannity-Freedom Alliance scam" ..."


Murdoch Propaganda Machine Pivot - Attacks Biden for Betraying our Afghan Allies then Pivots to Labeling Afghani Immigrants as Potential Terrorists

Now that the Afghanis are out, Fox News and their pundits have pivoted to questioning whether the Afghanis who came here are terrorists, likely in an attempt to change from using the perception from Afghanis as our allies to criticize Biden for 'betraying' our allies, to now using the perception of Afghanis as terrorists to criticize Biden for 'betraying' America for letting so many Afghanis in.


2. TV News Omissions - Foreign Policy Complexities - Not Leaving a Broken Nation

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoJust as the Russian sponsored Afghani government eventually fell, so too fell the American sponsored Afghani government. While the American sponsored government fell in quicker time, in spite of America's occupation of Afghanistan lasting twice as long as the Russians, one can ask whether this was skillfully managed.

Neither Russia nor the United States wants to leave a broken nation, as that isn't good for anyone. It's not good in terms of human rights, not good in terms of festering terrorism and not good for the people left behind. Sometimes even a stable dictatorial government is better than no government at all, because a government in control of a nation, has something to lose and therefore can be negotiated with. While an anarchistic state, is one where the most brutal have all the power, and they have nothing to lose, so negotiating is pointless.

By leaving behind some measure of weapons, American forces possibly enabled the Taliban to retain control of their nation and new government. This promotes stability and diminishes the opportunity for it to become a haven for terrorists.


3. TV News Omissions - Winning the Peace - Why didn't they Talk about Afghanistan's Wealth in Natural Resources? It's Estimated at Over $1 Trillion.

Afghanistan is rich in natural resources. None of the would-be conquerors, including ourselves, has been successful in exploiting them because of the rugged terrain and the tribal warfare. Afghanistan is believed to be home to over $1 trillion in oil and natural gas reserves.

Additionally, Afghanistan is home to one of the larger more accessible ranges of rare earth minerals. Rare earth minerals are currently an essential ingredient of many electronics like semiconductors and batteries. Rare earth minerals are generally found around the globe, but to process them into usable form is difficult, unless you find - like other minerals - veins, deposits or mines. Afghanistan is one of the world's regions containing such deposits.


4. TV New Omissions - Understanding Afghanistan's Ethnic Tribal Complexity

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoAnother topic that was woefully underreported or omitted by most 'news' outlets was the complexity of the Afghan nation, which is comprised of so many different tribes - all of whom are armed ... to the hilt? There's the Taliban, the Muhadeen, the Pashmirs, Al Quaida, ISIS and ISIS K to name a few of the best-known armed groups. But there are many more including, Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Aimaq, Turkmen, Baloch, Pashai, Nuristani, Gujjar, Arab, Brahui, Qizilbash, Pamiri, Kyrgyz, Sadat and others. The largest group are the Pashtuns, representing about 40% of the 40 million people nation and related to the ethnic people of Pakistan.

Afghanistan is a nation of tribes, living in a rugged, highly mountainous terrain. Because of the ethnic and cultural diversity and rugged mountainous terrain, both Russia and the U.S. failed to conquer this nation. Neither of the superpowers defeated the Afghanis, so dictating the terms of withdrawal isn't possible. It's a negotiation. When Trump struck the deal with the Taliban, they controlled about 40% of the nation. And Russia did fare much better.

The U.S. and Russia are two of the world's most militarily capable super powers, and yet they failed to win the war against a nation of about 40 million. Think about that. That's a strong statement about Afghanis' independence streak. They will not be ruled by outsiders. And it's unclear if they can be ruled by insiders.


5. TV News Omissions - Why didn't they Talk about Afghanistan's Neighbors?

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoAfghanistan is surrounded by six neighbors including Iran, Pakistan, China, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The last three nations listed are former republics of the Soviet Union. So think about that - Russia, China and Iran as neighbors. Six of them and the borders are all in mountainous terrain.

And both China and Russia appear to be in their imperialist stage of development, where aggression is the expression of their tireless dictator presidents.


6. TV News Omissions - Was any Withdrawal from an Ongoing War in Afghanistan going to Happen Without Incident?

Anyone who thought it would be easy for America to exit Afghanistan without any incident is either incredibly naive and / or watching way too much Fox propaganda - which is the same thing. There are too many variables, too many different groups in play here and I haven't even mentioned China or Iran - both of whom are Afghanistan neighbors. Fox 'News' said we should have hung onto a second airport, at Bagram. That we should have told our Afghan allies. And if we did, and word got out, and someone did to our exit at Bagram what they managed to do in Kabul, then what would Murdoch's Fox have said?

The other thing generally left out of the teleprompters' collective superficial news reporting and analysis (honestly I have trouble calling what they do that, as most of the teleprompter readers / actors seem like empty bubbleheads) was that many of the Afghanis trying to flee the nation were trying to partake in the American dream. And in some of those cases, that was more likely the motivator, than that they were fearing for their lives from the Taliban. Much like the Latin Americans at the southern border who are trying to make their way in, the Horatio Alger stories, from rags to riches, is one of the primary motivations of those seeking to enter our nation.


7. TV News Omissions - Laying the Groundwork to Win the Peace

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoIt's at least as important to win the peace as it is the war. Did anyone hear any of that from Murdoch's war mongering propaganda pundits, guests and fake news outlets? No. And the other news outlets were too dimwitted, too shallow, too lazy or too incompetent to do any kind of intelligent reporting on our withdrawal from Afghanistan. This information is available on the internet, if they could pull themselves away from the water cooler and the mirror long enough to do a little digging.

Winning the peace is again where Biden's foreign policy experience comes to play. He secretly sent the CIA Director to meet with the Taliban to arrange for the exit of over 120,000 people from Afghanistan in only a week or two of time. This was the single largest civilian airlift in history. Murdoch's Fox didn't know how to distort the truth on that, until they came up with the line that said that Biden / America was caving to the Taliban (do they want us to go to war again?).

What exactly is Murdoch's agenda? Let's take a quick look.


8. TV News Omissions - Failing to Call Out the Pundits & People on Fox News who got us into the War, Kept us in this War & Profited from the War - Who Attacked Biden about the Withdrawal

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoMany of the folks criticizing Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal were the same people who put us in it. They take no responsibility, just as Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News pundits take no responsibility for how they incite the ignorant to do stupid things - just like Goebbels and Hitler did. That is the danger that propaganda poses to a free, democratic nation.

What stupid things have Fox viewers done in just the last year? They were persuaded to vote for Donald Trump, they were persuaded that the election was stolen, that the voting machines were rigged, that it was their patriotic duty to stage an insurrection to forcibly overthrow our democratic processes, they were persuaded to disrupt various state elections processes, they were persuaded to refuse to get vaccinated, refuse to wear masks or to recognize the significant health hazard represented by CoVid. And that's all just within the past ten months.


9. TV News Omissions - Murdoch's Overwhelming Share of Media & Murdoch Motivations - Insatiable Greed & Lust for Power

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoLastly, Australian born billionaire, Rupert Murdoch was one of the leading promoters of the war in Afghanistan. Murdoch controls Fox 'News', the Wall St. Journal, the NY Post, increasingly ABC News, Barrons, Harper Collins publishing and they recently acquired Houghton Mifflin which is a text book publisher - so teachers beware.

Fox News, the NY Post and the Wall St Journal relentlessly bashed President Biden's handling of the withdrawal using many of the people who famously put us into that war. They bashed him with opinions, NOT FACTS. Murdoch even seemed to use papers he controls in Britain like The Sun and The Times (of London) to do the same. Collectively they did a tremendous job of omitting relevant context that would disprove the narratives and Murdoch sponsored perspectives they were spouting - not unlike what is done on state TV in Russia and China and was done in Nazi Germany. And by using multiple brands and pundits they created an echo chamber that even many of the other unsuspecting media outlets leaned on out of sheer laziness.

Like the other totalitarian media, Murdoch's mass media also won't tell you how he profited from promoting the Afghanistan War (ratings) and why he wants the American taxpayer to maintain a military presence in the Middle East (he's a major shareholder of Genie Energy in occupied Syrian Golan Heights). And he certainly won't tell his viewers about how, just in the last four years, he profited from promoting Donald Trump into office.

His Trump related winnings included billionaire and corporate tax breaks, the DOJ greenlighting / expediting Murdoch's inverted takeover of Disney / ABC in March of 2019 / the recognition of Israeli occupied Syrian Golan Heights where Murdoch and former VP Dick Cheney [the team that brought us into the Iraqi War by manipulating public perception into believing Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which were never found] have large stakes in Genie Energy which is an oil and gas company with holdings there, and the loosening of FCC limits on TV ownership.

And these are only the ones we know about. In Australia he seems to have been able to get judges appointed who seem to rule in his favor on issues of taxes. And elect a former employee Australian Prime Minister, who subsequently failed to follow up on court cases regarding Murdoch's tax evasion cases.


The War in Afghanistan is Over ... but the War Against Facts, Truth & Science in America is Still Raging & the Real Lady Liberty is Still Very Much in Trouble

joe bidens afghanistan withdrawal was a success murdoch's fox news wsj ny post depicted it as a failure murdochs fake news afghanistan withdrawal murdoch's fox fake news about afghanistan was they told us to get intoAmerica was a once in a millenium opportunity for the masses to have some voice in the governance of their nation. Fighting wars does no good, if we lose our democracy to deceitful propagandistic billionaires at home who portray themselves as patriotic, fighters for 'freedoms' without responsibility, and who use both religion and patriotism to manipulate the unaware, low information voting masses to elect the propagandist's pols who will represent the interests of the Australian born billionaire mass manipulator - not them.

There's an old reporter's saying that says "consider the source". Meaning pay close attention from whom you're getting your information, just as you would with someone you're going to partner with - because if you don't - you're sure to get screwed. Most American media brands are no longer owned nor operated by the people who built the news brands you trust, so in many respects they aren't the same brand at all. Only the logo hasn't changed.

But there's a whole new, oftentimes more insightful, better researched, more complete and therefore more reliable information ecosystem available to most Americans via the web. But unfortunately too many Americans are too ignorant or too lazy to use it, which is why most Americans have been losing ground ever since Murdoch arrived on our shores in the early 1970's. Far too many Americans are getting their information from the manipulative Australian born Murdoch, who appears to twist and distort the news so that he can get his large mass media audience to vote for those corrupt pols he favors. And those pols he favors, don't favor those who vote them - they favor the mass manipulator who convinced these voters to elect them, because he'll do it again come election time.

And with that happy thought, I wish you a good week.